Thursday, July 27, 2017

Monkey Pulls Off Muslim Girl’s Headscarf, Insanely Harsh Justice Ensued

Liberals consistently claim that Islam is the “religion of peace” as a way to assert that all Muslims are inherently peaceful people. What just happened in Libya shows a very different side.
According to reports from Allen B. West, a pet monkey in the southern city of Sabha pulled off a girl’s headscarf. The monkey’s owners were from a separate clan, a shopkeeper from the Gaddadfa tribe, so the incident sparked four days of intense violence. At the end of the bloodshed, 16 people were dead and 50 more were injured. The leading men from the Awlad Suleiman tribe also killed the monkey.
Tanks, rockets, mortars, and other heavy weaponry was used in the fighting. All because a monkey decided to act like a monkey.

Do you think this is absurd?