Wednesday, July 26, 2017

OMG: After Protester Got in Police Officer’s Face at Trump’s Rally, WATCH All Hell Break Loose

President Trump’s Youngstown rally was interrupted last night by two violent protesters. They were trying to ruin everyone’s night, but some brave Police Officers didn’t let them. 
Things got ugly when the protesters refused to leave. Both got physical with police officers, putting everyone in the audience in danger. After things cooled down, President Trump’s response was EPIC. (Video Below)
As you’ll see when the video starts, the first protester is violently waving his arms around as the officers are force to drag him out. Then, the camera pans to a second protester holding a communist flag. A supporter grabs this communist flag, and the protester tries to attack.
The Police quickly respond and the protester is resisting the officer and even appears to get in the his face. The Officer had to use the protesters own shirt collar to pull him away and down the stairs. Trump’s response made the whole crowd erupt in laughter and cheers. WATCH the video clip below then SHARE on Facebook!
You’ll see as the second protester is being escorted out by 4 Police Officers, President Trump completely embarrasses him. Trump said, “Boy he’s a young one. He’s going back to mommy. Boy is he in trouble…And i’ll bet his mommy voted for us.”