Thursday, July 27, 2017

As Trump Stepped on Stage in West Virginia, He Looked Out & Saw a Sign From GOD

On Monday, President Trump attended the national jamboree, a gathering of the national boy scouts of America.  During his address to the nearly 40,000 in attendance, he looked out and saw something that made him smile ear to ear!  
This will give you goosebumps! 
As he was speaking, a boy scout shouted “I LOVE YOU, TRUMP!” This prompted Trump to interrupt his speech and shout back “I LOVE YOU, TOO!”  It was at that point that the ENTIRE CROWD OF 40,000 boy scouts erupted in a chant of “WE LOVE TRUMP, WE LOVE TRUMP!”
The fireworks didn’t stop there, however!  Trump then RIPPED Obama by asking the crowd “by the way, did Obama ever attend a jamboree?”  The crowd then ERUPTED in one massive “BOOOOO!” The crowd also erupted when Trump promised to bring back Christmas, and protect the rights of Christians in America.  WATCH the video below then SHARE on Facebook so we can make it go viral!
By the way, incase you were wondering, instead of visiting our amazing boy scouts at the national jamboree, Obama was taping an episode of the View.  That’s right, Obama would rather hang out with Hollywood celebrities than inspire our youngest generation.  And the democrats wonder why they keep on losing.