Thursday, October 12, 2017

They Will Stand Up! NFL Commissioner Goodell Raises The White Flag And Sends The Final Memo To Team Owners

This ongoing controversy between the NFL and President Trump just ended and it looks like Trump is the winner! We never doubted our President in any debate, even with our beloved NFL players.
A memo was sent out to each team in the league from NFL commissioner, Roger Goodell, on Tuesday stating a new rule change for the players. It stated, ““Like many of our fans, we believe that everyone should stand for the national anthem. It is an important moment in our game. We want to honor our flag and our country, and our fans expect that of us.”
This memo will be released at the Fall meeting next Tuesday. Goodell insisted that he will require players to stand during the National Anthem and salute our flag in full respect. As we saw with Colin Kapaernick, if players refuse to do so, they will be fired from the league. Maybe we should have listened to Trump from the beginning and our country would never have been so dishonored.
Trump was the winner of this feud and is darn right proud to be. I mean, wouldn’t you be, this is OUR country after all. Show some respect.