Thursday, August 10, 2017

ALERT: Clinton Investigator Found In Room With A Bag Over Head And A Disgusting Note…

In May, a GOP operative who was investigating Hillary Clinton and attempting to recover her missing emails was found dead in what police have ruled a suicide. Now, chilling new details about the death have been revealed.
Peter W. Smith, 81, was found dead in a Minnesota hotel room with a bag tied over his head and a suicide note by his side. In the note, Smith told authorities there was “NO FOUL PLAY WHATSOEVER” involved in his death. He then elaborated, explaining he was taking his own life because of a “RECENT BAD TURN IN HEALTH SINCE JANUARY, 2017.”
Authorities admit that committing suicide by tying a bag over one’s head is “unusual.”
Just last year, Smith assembled a team and attempted to obtain Hillary’s 30,000 missing emails from Russian hackers. He said that his team had found five hacker groups that had the emails. He never believed that Hillary had only deleted the emails because they were “personal.”

Smith played a major role in exposing the “Troopergate” allegations about Bill Clinton. Now, he’s just one name on a length list of people who have died mysteriously before exposing the Clintons.