Earlier this week, a fake news story came out intending to blast Trump for being insensitive to customs or culture of the Japanese when he allegedly dumped an entire box of fish food into the pond of Koi fish when he was supposed to be gently shoveling the food into the pond with a spoon.
Then the facts came out, that Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe decided to dump the remaining food from his box before Trump, so Trump decided to follow suit and also dump his box. Of course the liberal media got a hold of the video and created the fake narrative that Trump dumped his box first because he is uncultured and ignorant, not the case.
Trump was blasted on several liberal news outlets, including this headline from the website Jezebel, which posted a story headlined, “Big Stupid Baby Dumps Load Of Fish Food On Japanese Koi Pond.”
Several media members who had tweeted or published the fake story came forward to correct themselves and apologize.
I've deleted this tweet which was based on multiple news reports but the video clearly shows Abe dumping his box of food first. pic.twitter.com/nsdt8U0awj
— Yashar Ali November 6, 2017
Other media outlets were less professional.
The Jezebel post had not been updated by the time we found it around noon on Monday. It was later updated at 12:30 p.m., but with this addendum: “Many people have pointed out that Abe also dumped his fish food into the pond. This does not change the fact that Trump remains a big, extremely stupid baby, though I should also have noted that he is also racist, sexist and thoroughly incompetent. Thank you.”
More transparent was the tech-focused website Gizmodo, which posted a full storyheadlined, “That Viral Photo of President Trump Dumping Fish Food Is Very Misleading.”
The Gizmodo post interpreted the media’s reaction this way: “In the wide world of media mistakes, Koigate is probably somewhere between a spelling error and posting the wrong hyperlink. But you can be sure that we’ll be talking about Koigate for some time as an example of what’s wrong with the media. Because nobody is operating in good faith anymore. The year 2017 and beyond is simply a contest to see who can be outraged over the most minute details of any scandal. All while very real scandals are dismantling American democracy.”
Just goes to show you that some media outlets take their jobs of reporting accurate news more seriously than others shame on Jezebel for being so immature.