From a detached position, Hillary Clinton’s use of the ‘Russian dossier’ to smear President Trump has backfired in beautiful fashion. The more layers of the rot
ten onion that is peeled back from what is the Fusion GPS-produced dossier, the more we find Democrat and liberal agency fingerprints all over it.
ten onion that is peeled back from what is the Fusion GPS-produced dossier, the more we find Democrat and liberal agency fingerprints all over it.
Buried by the Propaganda Machine (aka the media) is the story that Devin Nunes and the 22 members of the House Intelligence Committee, an oxymoron for sure, have submitted subpoenas for banking records from TD Bank for Fusion GPS.
The American Thinker reports that the Committee has ordered TD to turn over any financial statements pertaining to payments made by Fusion to any law firm (Perkins Coie LLP?), media company (Mother Jones and BuzzFeed) or reporter (Jake Tapper?).
Fusion has journalist ties being that it was founded by two former employees of the Wall Street Journal, Glenn R. Simpson and Peter Fritsch. Simpson made his name exposing corruption within the GOP and was a fierce critic of Newt Gingrich. Real Clear Investigations reported that chief among “Fusion’s high-profile assignments,” which earn as much as $20,000 to $75,000 a month in fees, has been work “for liberal groups. Published reports say they include Planned Parenthood. It was also linked to an Obama campaign attack on a Mitt Romney supporter” back in 2008.
An anecdotal story in the American Thinker states that Fusion has a history of going after “whistleblowers and journalists” using “’smear campaigns,’ ‘dossiers containing false information,’ and ‘carefully placed slanderous news items.’”
There is also evidence that, in the past, Fusion had paid to have stories planted in the media.
So, what we have is a political ‘black ops’ firm, with a history of using fake evidence and disseminating false stories, thanks to a bought and paid for press, receiving money funneled from Hillary Clinton and the DNC through lawyer Mark E. Elias at Perkins Coie, for the Russian dossier.
It does not take an Intelligence Committee to know that the entire episode stinks to high heaven.
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