The NFL protests have been all the rage in recent months. Players all around the league are “making their voices heard” by kneeling during the national anthem. As expected, this is making a lot of people very angry. In fact, it seems like they are making just about everyone angry.
Their own fans are making it very clear that they are not going to be a part of this disrespectful behavior. Still, the players, backed by the NFL organization, continue to kneel. But we are seeing some awesome reactions to this.
Advertisers are leaving in droves, refusing to watch such hateful actions. Now we are seeing a new way people can show their displeasure with the kneelers.
A country musician is going at the NFL protests with a new song called “Take a Knee, My Ass (I Won’t Take a Knee).”
Neal McCoy showed the song earlier this month and took a video of it. Now that video is going viral.
“When I see someone on TV take their stand by bending their knee, whether it be on astro turf or grass,” McCoy sings. “I think of those whose freedom was not free, and I say: ‘Take a knee — my ass!’”
Take a look at the song then SHARE it everywhere!
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