Saturday, October 7, 2017

Four HS Football Players Planned Anthem Protest, What Their Coach Said Next Blew Them Away

In Michigan, four football players from a Catholic School including the starting quarterback who’s a team captain revealed that they planned to take a knee during the playing of the National Anthem for their next game, Lansing State Journal reported.
After rumors spread of their sick plan the coach did something that has every patriot cheering. Take a look:
This was his brutal message for them“we will continue to hold our student-athletes to the expectation that they stand for our National Anthem,” the paper said. “Any student-athlete who chooses not to stand will receive consequences. As always, this will be handled with Christian Charity, with the goal of growth in virtue.”
Michael Lynn III, Lansing Catholic’s starting quarterback, told the paper the decision felt like “oppression.”
“I get they are a private school and they can do what they want,” Lynn III told the Journal. “They are right, they can. But that doesn’t make it humane, and that does not make it OK that they can do that because that still is my right to peaceful protest. Not only am I peaceful protesting, but I’m protesting as a primary source. I am a young black man in America. I’ve had to deal with certain things that other people will never have to deal with.”
“I said this in the meeting [with the school],” he added to the paper. “I said this feels like oppression. This feels like you’re trying to silence me and it feels like you’re not giving me the right to do what Americans should be able to do.”
I think it serves these young football players right and should teach them a lesson about showing respect for our anthem and country! Many heroes fought and died for that flag and it’s up to us American citizens to honor their sacrifice!
**If you agree with the coach help spread this story by Sharing it all over Facebook so it goes viral! Thanks for reading and God Bless!