Thursday, September 7, 2017

KILL SHOT: After Paul Ryan Betrayed Trump, Lou Dobbs Told Him 1 Thing That’ll END His Career

Yesterday morning, Paul Ryan attacked President Trump and others for trying to quickly pass a bill to provide emergency funds for Hurricane Harvey relief.
President Trump was forced to go around Speaker Ryan in order to get the deal done, which temporarily raises the debt ceiling (until December) so Congress can allocate Hurricane relief as quickly as possible. Speaker Ryan called this deal “ridiculous and disgraceful,” and Lou Dobbs absolutely UNLOADED on him in a segment that is going viral! (Video Below)
Lou Dobbs unleashed on Speaker Ryan, calling him a “fool” for trying destroy President Trump.  Time after time, Ryan has been more anti-Trump than even Democratic leaders. In the month of August alone, he implied Trump supported White Supremacists in Charlottesville, he fought to keep Obama’s DACA amnesty in place, and he attacked Trump for pardoning Sheriff Joe. Now he is trying to stop Trump from making a deal to provide emergency funds for Hurricane Harvey? With “allies” like this, who needs enemies? 
Dobbs showed why Ryan and McConnell’s attempts to destroy Trump isn’t resonating with Americans. He revealed a new Fox News Poll that shows Trump’s favorability rating at 44% while Speaker Ryan’s Congress is at 15%. But Lou didn’t stop there. WATCH this viral video below then SHARE on Facebook so we can make this go viral!