Sunday, September 10, 2017

It’s Over For Fox Execs Who Fired Eric Bolling, He’s Got His Revenge Well Planned

Rupert Murdoch’s son, James, has made some changes to his father’s company since taking it over. He quickly rid Fox News of a multitude of important people, including Roger Ailes, Bill Shine, and Bill O’Reilly.
After Eric Bolling was accused of sending inappropriate sexual text messages to female colleagues, he was let go from Fox News.
The network executives stated, “Fox News Channel is cancelling The Specialists, and Eric Bolling and Fox have agreed to part ways amicably. We thank Eric for his ten years of service to our loyal viewers and wish him the best of luck.”
He mentioned this in a statement, “When the lights go down on my TV career, the next step is running for Senate.” Could this be where Bolling’s career is headed next?
The Murdochs have clearly lost their direction.

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