Saturday, September 2, 2017

After Haters of Melania Attack Her Heels, Texas Family Does This Amazing Thing For Her

When President Trump and First Lady Melania arrived in Texas to assist in the humanitarian efforts, the mainstream media’s focus wasn’t on the cause, but on the shoes the First Lady decided to wear.
This is rather typical of the media to do, report on minor facts no one would usually care about in order to distract or take away from what is actually important here. So after the unfair media covered this story around Melania Trump wearing heels, Trump supporters did the unthinkable:
A Texas family posted this picture to Twitter that went viral and got every Trump supporter cheering!
So many people were moved by this bold statement against the media!
Melania is expected to go back to the state on Saturday, let’s wish her the best that she can get her job done without having to worry about the media viciously attacking her for no reason again.
**Let’s SHARE this to remind the “Fake News” media that attacking the First Lady for her clothing is WRONG!