Tuesday, August 29, 2017

OMG: Top Democrat Just Revealed One SECRET Thing About Impeaching Trump Dems Want Hidden

Well, shoot, y’all. It looks like President Trump may have just found himself an actual, honest Democrat and his name is Senator Chris Murphy.
Murphy left his party darn near speechless today when he went on ABC’s “Face the State” and unleashed a BOMBSHELL Democrat Secret that was supposed to stay hidden…

Senator Murphy said Trump has done NOTHING to be impeached and has kept all of his campaign promises!

The alleged “reported” decided to ask Murphy if Trump’s actions prove he is “mentally unfit” for office. That’s when Murphy broke from the Dems big time:
“He did win the electoral college despite this bizarre behavior as a candidate, so you can’t impeach somebody for doing what they said they were going to do as a candidate. Whether we like it or not, he is fulfilling all of the very reckless promises…he made during the campaign.”
Wow. A top-level Democrat Senator from Connecticut admitting that Trump is keeping his promises and not breaking the law. This is a real anomaly, a true outlier.
It’s time we as Republicans show we can appreciate some honesty from the Left even if it is just a sliver by sharing out Murphy’s words to all Dems and Republicans out there and show them Trump IS working for the People.