America’s toughest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, has been an enemy of the left ever since he deported his first illegal immigrant. Sheriff Joe was convicted of criminal contempt by an Obama appointed judge last month.
The ruling was especially ridiculous because Sheriff Joe was literally being punished for simply doing his job and continuing to enforce immigration laws.
The Sheriff is facing six months in jail which might not sound too bad for some, but for the Sheriff, it’s likely a death sentence.
Last night, at his rally in Phoenix, President Trump gave Sheriff Joe the okay to breath easy…
“He should have had a jury, but I’ll make a prediction: He’ll be just fine,” Trump said.
“But I won’t do it tonight, because I don’t want to cause any controversy. But Sheriff Joe can feel good!”
Sheriff Arpaio responded, telling Fox that he was humbled by Trump’s words.
Thank God we have a President who is willing to stand up for our law enforcement! Thank you President Trump and thank you Sheriff Joe Arpaio for all your years of protecting Americans!