Tuesday, August 29, 2017

After Hurricane Harvey, Governor Abbott Turned To Trump And Gave Him THE GIFT Of A Lifetime

During a press conference on Monday, Texas Gov. Greg Abbott lavished Trump with praise for his “unparalleled” response to Hurricane Harvey. Abbott even told reporters that he operations had been in planning for a week leading up to the tropical storm striking the coast.
Here is the video below.
According to the Washington Free Beacon, here is what Abbott said about working with Trump.
“I’ve spoken with the president on multiple occasions, with his Cabinet members … and I would have to grade the federal government’s response as an A+.”
Abbott then said that he has been in contact with Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price and Secretary of Homeland Security Elaine Duke and FEMA administrator Brock Long.
“This is, if not the largest, it has to be categorized as one of the largest disasters America has ever faced,” Abbott said. “And to see the swift response from the federal government is pretty much unparalleled.”
Houston is in bad shape. It’s only getting worse. The levies are going to have to release some water to relieve pressure. Houston is expecting more rain as well.
Share this if you are glad that we have President Trump leading this country. 
It’s way better than Hillary or Obama would have been.