Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Trump Slams Gender Identity, and Wins Thunderous Applause From the Crowd

President Trump has been careful to not directly insult the LGBT community. He’s even reached out to them on several occasions.
But he’s also a very no-nonsense kind of guy. Perhaps more so than most Americans. And transgenderism is nothing if not the biggest load of nonsense floating around these days.
Sadly, the leadership of the Boy Scouts of America wants desperately to jump on the transgenderism bandwagon.
But with a name like that, well…easier said than done.
Still, they’re trying, so President Trump took a swing at their science-denying liberalism while addressing the Scouts’ annual Jamboree gathering.
It was a subtle, and probably missed by most, but when a crowd member shouted that he loved Trump, the president response indicated exactly what he thinks of “gender neutrality.”
As Politico reported, the president “told a man in the crowd he loved him — ‘he, he, he, he,’ Trump said, emphasizing that it was, indeed, a man.”
The massive 45,000+ crowd immediately launched into a chant of “WE LOVE TRUMP!”