Tuesday, July 25, 2017

President Trump Visits Boy Scouts Of America, Left Likens It To Hitler Youth

President Trump gave a rousing speech tot the Boy Scouts of America at their 2017 National Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, an organization plagued by political correctness from onslaughts of the LGBT lobby in recent years, and the left could only compare it to a Hitler Youth speech. 
"As the scout law says, a scout is trustworthy, loyal," Trump said. "We could use some more loyalty, I will tell you that."  Even though he said he wasn't going to talk politics to the Scouts, he couldn't help himself.  He revisited his 2016 victory over Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, which he described as "an unbelievable tribute to you and all of the other millions and millions of people that came out and voted for Make America Great Again."
People compared all of this to Hitler Youth, even though the Boy Scouts have invited all sitting Presidents to speak. It's not Trump's fault he is the only one to accept it since President Bush. 
"By the way, just a question, did President Obama ever come to a jamboree?" Trump asked.
This "Hitler Youth" audience actually booed when he made that statement. Cue the leftist trolls and stupidity: