Saturday, July 22, 2017

IT’S OVER: NYC Mayor De Blasio Faces Criminal Charges, And Does Something Sickening As A Revenge

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio has made some enemies in his career, especially among those who support law enforcement. Now, he’s facing criminal charges that could end his controversial career once and for all.
Two separate grand juries have heard information relating to criminal investigations into the mayor’s involvement in pay-to-play schemes and illegal fundraising. According to the New York Times, de Blasio is accused of using these illegal fundraising efforts while campaigning—leaving New York City taxpayers to pick up the tab.
De Blasio and his senior aides are accused of taking hundreds of thousands of dollars and passing them through upstate New York county committees before distributing them to Democratic candidates. This was a failed effort to take the state’s Senate out of Republican hands in 2014.
Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. is believed to be heading the investigation, while Manhattan U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara is heading up the federal investigation, which is also looking into claims that de Blasio took contributions in exchange for political favors.
“Our mayor is ethically challenged,” his opponent Nicole Malliotakis said outside of City Hall. “He has shown a complete disregard for the taxpayers today by now saying he’s going to use taxpayer money to pay for his legal fees.”
It’s estimated that at least $11 million has been spent lawyers in various corruption probes related to de Blasio.

Do you think he is guilty?