Monday, July 24, 2017

BREAKING: Mueller’s Team Leaks Information Meant To Destroy Trump’s Reputation

The team that is investigating connections between President Donald Trump’s campaign and Russia is now suspected of leaking information to the press, Breitbart reports.
The details being leaked appear to be chosen specifically to damage Trump’s reputation. Four out of the six attorneys former FBI Director Robert Mueller hired for the team donated to the Democratic National Committee or to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
On Friday, a “person familiar with the probe” allegedly told reporters that special counsel is examining a range of transactions involving Trump’s businesses. This comes just one day after Trump declared that prying into his business matters would be ‘outside the bounds’ of the investigation.
The source who leaked the information also claims investigators are looking at ‘Russian purchases of apartments in Trump buildings,’ as well as Trump’s involvement in a “controversial SoHo development” with Russian associates. They’ll also be digging into the 2013 Miss Universe pageant in Moscow and Trump’s sale of a mansion in Florida to a Russian oligarch nearly a decade ago.

What do you think of this? Are things getting way out of hand? Do you agree this is a “witch hunt”?